
Moving Across the Country: The Benefits of Backloading

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Moving Across the Country: The Benefits of Backloading

When I was offered a new job in Perth, I had to relocate my life from Brisbane. I had no idea how I was going to ship all my things across Australia. I considered hiring a van and doing it myself, but driving thousands of miles and then starting work when I arrived just didn't appeal to me. I looked into using a moving company, but I was put off a little by the cost. It was then my friend mentioned backloading. Backloading allowed me to haul my things across the country on trucks which were returning from another job. This drastically reduced the cost. I am now settled in Perth, but I wanted to start this blog to help others who need to store or move the things they own.

4 Useful Tips for Making Your Move Easier on You

Moving to a new home or apartment is often very stressful, no matter how many times you've moved before and how far in advance you plan your move. There are some simple things you might consider doing to make your move easier on you and your entire family, and especially if you have a large home and are moving a lot of things in one day. Consider four useful tips for making your next move easier on you.

1. Purge and then purge some more

As soon as you know you're going to move, purge your household goods and keep purging as much as possible. Start with things you haven't touched in years such as items in your basement or old clothes you have tucked away.

If you're hesitant to get rid of things because you know someone could use them, donate your items. You may get a tax credit for your items but if not, at the very least you know nothing will go to waste. You could also have a tag sale or sell some items online before your move.

2. Start packing early

Don't wait until the last minute to start packing but do this as soon as you know you're going to move. Pack up out-of-season clothes and sporting goods, holiday decorations, books, and other items you won't need between now and your move. This can help you with the purging process and make moving day easier on you.

3. Rent a storage unit

A storage unit can make your move easier because you can start packing early and then move your boxes and other items to the storage unit, getting these out from underfoot. Then, once you've moved into your new home or apartment, you can slowly move these boxes out of your storage unit. This will keep you from having to move all your household items in one day and then having to unpack everything just as quickly.

4. Hire the right help

A few friends with good backs might be able to help if you're just moving a few things, but if you have a lot of furniture and household goods, you want to hire the right help. A professional company such as City West Removals And Storage will know how to pack and move items safely and easily and they won't get tired and worn out before the end of the day. They're more likely to ensure that everything arrives in good condition and this too can make moving much easier on you overall.